Wednesday 4 January 2012

Food Habits

Ok, so we are all familiar with eating cold take away the following day or the 5 second rule when you drop food on the floor, but food habits are extremely diverse and often very bizarre … this fascinates me.

Here’s a small selection of the more strange eating habits I’ve come across during my years of people watching -

Eating crisps with tomato sauce
Putting crisps in a microwaveable stew
Eating noodles in a sandwich
Brown sauce on toast

I’ve also recently discovered the extents that people will go to with food … I’ve come across people who throw food leftovers away (in a box) only to get it back out of the bin later on to finish off. Then there are people who have their friends over for take-away, watch to see if the friends leave any food and then eat the leftovers as soon as said friends leave! I also remember a small child who enjoyed circling the dinner table after a meal to drain the dregs from every one’s tea cups!!
We share these behaviours with others, but secretly we know it’s a bit odd and it’s often done when no one else is looking … just in case!!!

I suppose scavenging behaviour takes us back to our primal instincts and isn’t too dissimilar to the behaviour of wild animals, but the way some of us enjoy our food is most definitely … unique … I certainly can’t imagine a Lion on the Serengeti calling to his missus to pass the BBQ sauce for a fresh kill that he couldn’t possibly eat without extra liquid calories!!

We’re spoilt for choice when it comes to the food we eat and the way we eat it, but we still find ways to make this even more diverse. Though I suppose with the billion’s of people on this planet, it definitely keeps things interesting when we can talk to one another and say ‘you eat your bread how?!’ or ‘you don’t eat those together do you???’

I'm Back ...

Shit, so I haven't signed in or blogged in a looong time ... shame on me! Blame Tumblr!!!

So, just a quick post to let you know that the blog is going to be undergoing a bit of a reform for it to include lots of different writing styles instead of the usual review/news blogs that I've become accustomed to posting on here.

The blog may also be moving domains, but for now we will stick to what we know ...

Oh ... and Happy New Year people :)